Tod Time
We try to take the chair up Tod Mountain each July to hike the trails and see the wildlfower display. We chose Twoonie Tuesday this year, which is scheduled before the main flower display. In some years there is snow and mud at the start of July, but this year the trails were mostly dry and free of snow.
Our favorite route is to hike up the new trail following the edge of the Headwalls (Top of the World Trail) to the top, then follow the Westridge Trail to the vale below the summit, and finally the Tod Peak Trail where we have lunch. (Sun Peaks Hiking Trail Map link).
From mid-station to the peak and back is 9km of good hiking. Along the way are wonderful views and one of the best wildflower displays in BC. The wildflower peak is at the end of July, but there is lots to see for all of July and August.