Transition Season
As fall winds down, the upper areas become wet and muddy. Lower trails can still be hiked, but grey skies abound. Paddling is now over for the year. We will continue to hike until snows blanket the whole area, then we will start snowshoeing.
In the meantime, a number of saved articles from travels will be published from hiking in the National Parks in Utah, from hiking on the Islands of Hawaii, from trails on the Gulf Islands, and from a look at the physical geography of B.C. Local hikes and hikes from afar will be alternated until we can get out onto the snows to explore snowshoeing routes.
The current cycle of new stories is 2 in every 5 days, for total of 146 per year. That is a lot of hours of hiking, paddling, snowshoeing, and exploring. If that pace is unsustainable, we will shift to 2 articles per week.
See you on the trails,