Salt Spring Spring Rains
At the end of winter we have sometimes taken a week’s holiday on one of the Gulf Islands to hike, paddle, and explore. One of those mid-March escapes resulted in walking and paddling in the rain a fair amount, with a few dry parts too. We got out every day with our rain gear ready.
Arbutus trees by the water’s edge are a welcome sight after a winter of snow.
The fields at Ruckle Point Provincial Park were green after a morning of rain.
The bark/wood of the arbutus trees shines in the light after rain showers.
In the forest, moss covers exposed boulders and outcrops.
When we need to look for short hikes because of rain, a walk along the rocky shoreline or headland is often a good choice.
After a wet day, we may be able to hike along the shoreline as the sun sets.
We have spent a number of weeks on the Gulf Islands in shoulder season when the ground is frozen and snow covers the hills in Kamloops. We always hope for dry conditions in the Gulf Islands, but some rain is inevitable, so we temper our plans from longer hikes to shorter routes with our rain gear ready. We saw lots of rain on this early March trip to Salt Spring Island, but we found enjoyable outdoor time too.