With forest fires now an expectation and a risk each summer, we need to consider some options. A modest proposal is provided here.
When firefighters work on a forest fire, they create firebreaks to remove the fuel available to a moving forest fire. Firebreaks are built between the body of the fire and areas to be protected. Governments have created a grant system to provide communities with funds to create off-season work to develop firebreaks, but there hasn’t been a lot of take up from communities. Logan Lake did a lot of work years ago, but forest fires still burned right to the edge of the community. The breaks on the north side were narrow and not cleared after the initial work so there was still too much fuel, especially for a fire like the Tremont Creek Forest Fire.
We need to think about this and plan for more effective fire breaks. The challenge is that there are forest tenures, private lands, fences, pipelines, power lines and roads, but all of those can be managed. The Trans Mountain Pipeline has been doing that for some time now. We can start with assessing the risks and examining the challenges. From which direction are the biggest risks? What can be done in that area? For example the forested slopes of Juniper-Rose Hill, Barnhartvale, and Aberdeen are a risk for the City of Kamloops. Can we build fireguards on our southern flank?
The challenges are big ones, but with some dedicated efforts and the political will, it can be done. Start with one tract of land. Clear it. Maintain the regrowth. Monitor it. Rebuild fences around the right of way. And when the time is right, build single track trails through the linked breaks. If you build it, we will come….