Each spring we try to paddle downriver using 2 vehicles to shuttle our kayaks.
On the South Thompson river we have 4 days of paddling:
- Chase to Pritchard (21 km)
- Pritchard to Lafarge (21 km)
- Lafarge to Pioneer Park (21 km)
- Valleyview to Cooney Bay
On the North Thompson river, we have 4 days of paddling too:
- Clearwater to Little Fort
- Little Fort to McLure
- McLure to Westyde (36 km)
- Westsyde (Harrington Drive) to McArthur Island
We try to do at least 5 of these legs each year. The first has already been done with a 3 hour paddle from Lafarge to Pioneer Park. We have also done the Clearwater to Kamloops route in 3 days, camping on islands in the river.
There are articles on the website for all these paddle outings.