Common Merganser
We have spotted numerous mergansers on the South Thompson River, Cooney Bay, and Kamloops Lake this summer-fall. It is a large duck that feeds on fish and nests in holes of trees. It is most recognizable with its crest of longer feathers behind the head.
They dive then use their serrated bills to catch fish and other aquatic creatures. We often see them in pairs or small groups floating downstream, diving and ducking along the way.
They breed and nest in hollows and holes in mature forests. Along the river, cottonwood trees and claybanks provide this kind of habitat. Eight to twelve eggs are laid, and when they hatch, they are carried in bills to the water where they swim and prey on small invertebrates and fry until they fledge after about two months.
Megansers may partially migrate to the United States or to the Coast when open water is not available in our area.