Bog Orchids
This sweet-smelling perennial can be found in wet areas next to rivers, streams, bogs, or seep zones. These were found near the Azure and Clearwater Rivers in Wells Gray.
<a href=””><img class=”aligncenter size-large wp-image-11066″ src=”×640.jpg” alt=”azure 037r” width=”380″ height=”640″ /></a>The slender green stalks grow to about 1m high. Waxy, white flowers with a greenish tinge face outward along the stem. The lower petal forms a “lip” which usually curves down. and the upper petal resembles a hood.
Native people used an extract from the plant to poison the bait for bears and coyotes. The sweet scent of the flowers can be smelled from a distance. Bog orchids are a variety of rein orchids,the largest group of orchids in British Columbia.
<a href=””><img class=”aligncenter size-large wp-image-11067″ src=”×640.jpg” alt=”azure 036r bog orchidr” width=”391″ height=”640″ /></a>