Horse-and-hiker trails in the Sullivan Range.   These are remote double tracks with limited views, but there are some nice lakes and pleasant hiking routes.

Driving Directions/Trailheads:

  • Drive north on Highway 5A North.   In McLure, turn right onto the Orchard Lake Road which turns into the Badger Creek FSR.
  • There are several sideroads on the way up through the hills.   Some of them are trailheads for the trail system.
  • At 2 km, the road to the right can be used to hike into the Sullivan Range.
  • Pass Struthers Lakes at 4.6 t- 4.8 km.
  • At 5.3 km the road to the south leads to Lower Coyote Lake or Chalforchie Lake.
  • At about 7 km the turn to the south leads to Upper Coyote Lake.
  • At about 11 km a junction is reached.   North goes to Badger Lake.   South goes to Sullivan (Knouff) Lake.



  • Some of the area has been logged.    There are fencelines at the south edge of the area.
  • Recommended – Start with the loop that goes past Chalforchie Lake.   Other routes require some navigation and exploration.


Some Orchard Lake Images:

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