In the Floodlands Before the Rain
When rain is forecast for the day, we can sometimes launch a kayak early and paddle for an hour or more before the weather sets in. On a grey, drizzly morning I launched my boat into Tranquille Bay and encountered a steady wind from the west so I opted to paddle in the lee of trees and small islands.
On a sunny day with no wind, I often cross the river and paddle through channels on the far side, but with weather on its way, I would between willow islands in the floodlands instead.
During freshet many channels are full of water, allowing exploration upriver. I found an interesting loop through channels before coming back to Tranquille Bay under Mount Mara.
Some blue sky was spotted to the west and the wind died down, but soon afterward the winds returned, followed by showers. I got back to the shore just in time.
I usually paddle for 60 – 70 days each year, some of which are in warm, sunny and calm conditions, but by carefully keeping an eye on the weather and checking forecasts, I can often find a window to paddle on an area lake or on the river, getting a good workout and some outdoor time too.