Sahali Green Belt Loop
When we first started hiking, running, and walking in the Upper Sahali area green space was abundant. As development expanded the neighborhoods, but some easements and green spaces were planned. Some access sections were closed (illegally) by homeowners who built fences across the designated easements, but enforcement did not happen. Nevertheless, some were kept open. In fact, the City has designated some of these spaces as “nature parks.”
We recently have been following user trails through Upper Sahali and have been able to confirm access to a number of green space trails:
Loops can be hiked with short sections of on-the-road connectors, some of which use Peterson Creek Trails.
We were pleased to see flowering shrubs like choke cherries in a number of the green space gullies.
In theory a 10 km loop can be hiked through the Upper Sahali green spaces. Over time we will develop a map of the best loops, but that will take a number of outings to verify access so return to this site at a later time for an update.