Tranquille Bay to Cooney Bay
On an overcast day, I launched my kayak at the Tranquille Wildlife Management Area parking pullout and paddled out into Tranquille Bay. With no wind the skies were reflected in the calm floodwaters.
There are many route choices possible during freshet, but on this day I kayaked down to Cooney Bay and back.
At the mouth of Tranquille River, eagles were perched in snags, watching for their next meal.
On the way back, a muskrat swam near the boat with a mouthful of vegetation from foliage out in the bay.
I did a loop out among the “islands” which are just taller shrubs and trees standing above the floodlands.
This 8 km loop can be done in June and in high flood years, much of July too. It is a special place when there is no wind in the channels and bays of the floodlands.