A Ramble in Peterson Creek
When we moved to Kamloops in 1976, Peterson Creek was the first area we explored and hiked. There were few trail signs there and the park boundaries had not been defined. Some of the rails were only faint game tracks or scramble routes across the slopes. Over the years, more trails were added, some were decommissioned, and mountain bikers “excavated” more with their tires. Kamloops Parks now has a definitive sense of official trails and signage and maps now guide hikers, dog walkers, and bikers along the established routes.
On this day we hiked from the Whiteshield trailhead and followed the most direct route to the Tom Moore Trail and followed it upstream over the hill and across the sideslopes.
Mariposa lilies were in bloom all across the benchlands and on sunny sideslopes.
Bridal Falls is a well-known landmark in the lower end of Peterson creek, but there are several smaller waterfalls in the upper canyon too.
While hiking in the upper canyon, we found a bank of poison ivy next to the trail.
The Tom Moore Trail has many new improvements including a “boardwalk” covered in roofing material. When we first hiked this section it was all sand and dirt, but mountain bikers have created new routes down the slopes, eroding the hillsides so now we have fences and walkways. We call this a multi-use trail.
We came across Stephanomeria tenuifolia (wire lettuce) on the Tom Moore Trail.
On our route, we looped out to include the Grasslands Trails which offers views across to Mt. Peter and Mt. Paul.
The view to the north is up the North Thompson River which arrives to the shores of downtown Kamloops at the confluence.
Thurnderheads were building up over the southern hills as we finished our hike.
This close-up of a mariposa lily features a few chomps taken out by insects.
Gallardia flowers can resemble a whorl when viewed from above.
Peterson Creek offers a number of interesting trails accessible right from the City. We have hiked the trails now for 42 years and will return a few times each year to revisit other trails for as long as we can.
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