To MidVale
In 1976 Peterson Creek was the first place we hiked in Kamloops and we have returned many, many times to hike all of the trails. There were no trail signs then, but at some point this map was posted on the FHA Collins Trail. The names of all the trails have changed but we used to call the trail from the benchland up the canyon the Trail to Midvale. Passing Ragged Canyon, we hiked over the Doggles, past Dogwood Falls into Canyon Vale. At Midvale, we crossed the creek onto the Saskatoon Plateau and along the East Rim back toward the bridge. The East Rim section is now signed reminding hikers that it is private property. All the trails have new names now. The route we hiked is now the Grasslands Loop to the Tom Moore Trail. The Midvale Crossing is now the Billy Miner Trail.
Most of the trails are the same ones we hiked 40 years ago, but neighborhoods grew to the edge of the Park and mountain bikers starting creating new routes so the City of Kamloops had to determine which trails were official ones and which ones needed to be closed down due to erosion or encroachment onto private property.
The Grasslands Loop offers fine views in 3 directions.
On the way up the canyon, we were pleased to see new signage, some trail improvements, and some safety fences.
On a marginal-weather day we decided to hike to the viewpoint above Moonscape Pass (we had wanted to go to Midvale and back), then we returned in a loop back to the parking area. Along the way we spotted some wild asparagus in its finest yellows and a fruiting crab apple tree.
We hope to continue hiking in Peterson Creek for a 5th decade….
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