Sun Peaks Backroads Loop
This route makes a large loop around Mount Morrisey. It is an interesting drive taking in several lakes and some areas to hike, but it is best suited to backroads mountain biking.
Start at Sun Peaks. Take the McGillivray Lake FSR which starts at the end of Sun Peaks Drive. Follow the gravel road to McGillivray Lake but keep going on the road down to Chase. Part way down the hill, a signed intersection is seen. Take the right turn onto the Amphitheater Lake – Eileen Lake FSR. Follow this good backroad road past the lakes and over the hill as it winds down to Upper Louis Creek. The road is not plowed in the winter. Instead of going right to Whitecroft, at about 0.8km south, turn right and follow the dirt road as it climbs to Sun Peaks, emerging at the end of Burfield Drive. This is the Old Tod Mountain Road and is still in good shape.
The whole loop is about 30 km. Just right for a day of backroads exploring.